Monthly Archives: September 2024

RECCE Rifle Build: From Specialized to Mainstream

What if you had a RECCE rifle build and you didn’t even know it? If you’ve built or purchased a quality AR and topped it with an LPVO in the last few years, there’s a good chance that what’s in your safe right now would qualify. Frankly speaking, the line between “RECCE” and “General Purpose […]

Long-Range AR-15 Accessories and Parts for Precision, Practice, and Performance

Long range AR-15 accessories are often intimidating to newer shooters who are first looking to stretch the range at which they accurately shoot. Its tough to know where to begin. Long-range shooting with an AR-15 requires more than just the basic components purchased without a lot of thought. Rather, it demands attention to detail, careful […]

AR-15 SPR – Understanding the Special Purpose Rifle


For years, before I really dove into the AR world, I kept hearing the term “SPR” in more specialized groups, and honestly, it seemed a bit intimidating—like it was meant for a level I wasn’t at. It felt exclusive, almost mysterious, and not something I thought I needed. It wasn’t until later that I learned […]

How to Mount a Red Dot Optic on Your AR-15

The proper steps on how to mount a red dot optic on your AR-15 are not difficult, but its something you’ll want to take your time with and do properly. It’s a bit easier than mounting an LPVO, but its just as important to get right to ensure that you have a true and consistent […]